My introduction
27-12-2016, 18:01
My introduction
Hello everyone.
First of all, I'm studying in Denmark, can read the language but not write it well. Therefore, most of my posts will be in English. Throughout almost my whole life, I have been carding a lot and I've probably made between 40-50.000 USD in total. Multiple people started trying to scam me, which made me get interested in doxing. In a small period of about 4-5 months I stooped carding and did doxing for money instead. I have recently switched to social engineering and that's what I use most of my time on right now. Most of my posts will therefore be about social engineering, because that's where I have the most interest. However, there will be a couple of posts about doxing and carding if you guys ask me kindly. I look forward working with you guys! Note: If you guys have any interest in contacting me, please use PGP encryption. You can find my PGP key in my bio, thanks! |
27-12-2016, 18:54
RE: My introduction
Welcome :)
27-12-2016, 19:43
RE: My introduction
Carding er ikke tilladt på Shellsec så det ser de fleste nok ude af forummet ;)
27-12-2016, 21:34
RE: My introduction
Oh, I did not know that... Thanks for letting me know!
28-12-2016, 00:03
RE: My introduction
Welcome to Shellsec!
Enjoy your stay here! Can i ask, what are you studying? |
03-01-2017, 00:11
RE: My introduction
Velkommen til ;)
☁CL0UDY☁ |
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